Miovision Sales Kickoff 2025

Better Together: Our Journey to become the largest North American Player with 210M + revenues and 250,000 Intersections Mapped !!!!


Celebrating 2024 Successes & Selling in High Altitude in 2025!

This green light is yours,
Let’s Move!

Lyne Jacques
Chief Revenue Officer

Dear Miovision Team,

As we enter 2025, I want to take a moment to reflect on our remarkable achievements in 2024, including securing over $85 million in bookings! Your persistent dedication, diligence, and commitment to excellence have set us up for a successful year! 

As we continue to climb the proverbial mountain, our collective goal is set even higher, with an ambitious target of surpassing $210 million and mapping 250 000 intersections! We have faced many challenges and have had to frequently pivot to new realities but I have no doubt that we will persevere because we are better together! 

Our SKO will bring us together to get us ramped up for the new year. We will focus on key priorities and building relationships across the organization. We will learn from one another and bounce ideas off each other on how we can keep climbing, and eventually, reach the mountaintop. 

Working as an integrated team is key around account planning for our customers. As we continue to strive to become a truly international and multinational company, we need to ensure we are collaborative and aligned to reach the mountaintop of success.  

Let’s continue to inspire our customers by empowering them with innovative tools that help build healthier communities, create safer roads, and reduce congestion, ensuring intersections are adhering to high standards of safety, sustainability, and productivity.

Better Together! Let's Move!

Warm regards,

Lyne Jacques

Chief Revenue Officer


Our Key Focus for 2025

Land & Expand

  • Deploy Miovision Core hardware into 7K intersections across North America
  • Increase market attachment rate for existing deployed intersections by 15% with Miovision One
  • Orchestrate ABM against focus/tiered accounts, prioritizing region, to maximize investments in OPEX, conferences, partners, MDF
  • Expand reach into key markets and regions with targeted focus on MENA in Q1 and Q2 
  • WIN-WIN: Invigorate Opticom Connect to maximize sales adoption and utilization from the platform

Organic Growth

  • Book 113M of sales across all LOBs
  • Deploy 688 Scout Plus and 2,500 Core DCM units worldwide
  • Become the #1 player in Studies & Processing and a top ITS brand in North America in Share of Voice, Awareness, Quality, Value and Traffic Solutions 
  • Accelerate adoption and launch of Opticom and Scout Plus; leverage select Global countries ready-now for campaign and Miovision value proposition

Customer First

  • Segmentation around customer value proposition with stronger focus on customer experience from first contact to closing 
  • Right Brand Message, Right Customer, Right Time, and Right Channel: widen the use of channels and campaigns, engage customers earlier along the journey 
  • START WITH DATA and a single platform to better understand customer segments, drive demand and support revenue, tailor all programs and campaigns that map to Miovision brand and customer value/need

Setting the Stage for SKO Success

Our Goals

Expand on 2025 Themes and Drive Target Metrics

Objective 1

2025 Ensure Brand is Top Of Mind:
Embrace the 'Let’s move!' initiative of Mind.

Better Together:
Reinforce the importance of collaboration.

Land & Expand:
Focus on acquiring and expanding within key intersections and adjacent budgets.

Organized Growth:
Aim for structured and sustainable growth.

Customer First:
Maintain a customer-centric approach.

Target Metrics


Strive to reach 100,000 managed intersections.


Work towards achieving the $175.2m revenue goal.

Objective 2

Empower Our Sales Team – You!

Strategic/Team Updates:
Learn about our updated strategies and hear about progress from our internal teams.

Engagement & Collaboration:
Foster a competitive yet supportive environment through engagement activities and cross collaboration opportunities.

Brand Assets:
Provide branded materials to boost team morale and brand presence.

Focus on Priority Initiatives for Success

Objective 3

Priority Initiatives:
Identify and concentrate on the key initiatives that will drive success.

Holistic Miovision:
Start looking at Miovision holistically and discussing how to discuss our complete solutions in the market.

SKO Agenda

What You Can Expect

Day 1: Tuesday, Jan 28th





8:30 - 9:00


9:00 - 9:30

Kurtis McBride

Kurtis Miovision Strategic Update


9:30 - 10:00

Vish Nandlall

CTO Update


10:00 - 10:45

Lyne Jacques

Customer Experience

10:45 - 11:00


Customer Experience


11:00 - 12:00

Training and Enablement

Scaling Mio Mountain


12:00 - 1:00


1:00 - 2:00


Maintenance SKU introduction



2:00 - 3:00

Customer Experience



3:00 - 3:30


3:30 - 4:00

Julie Grondin

PPM Strategy for 2025

Review of projects slated for 2025 and competitive intelligence intro


4:00 - 5:00

Lakshmi Sankaran

Abby Rodriguez

Corey W/Nate Warren

ITS - Competitive Intelligence

Opticom - Competitive Intelligence

Data Collector Insights

Hosted in D2L

Hosted in Commons Atrium

Hosted in Perimeter Boardroom

ITS Sales/Support/Product

Opticom Sales/Support/Product

TP & E Sales/Support/Product

Day 2: Wednesday, January 29th





8:30 - 9:00


9:00 - 10:00

10:00 - 10:45

V2X Team

Marketing Team

An introduction to Miovision's V2X strategy

Overview of Marketing strategies, event / tradeshow support, and campaign strategies for 2025



10:45 - 11:15


11:15 - 12:00

Stefan Pidzamecky

Introduction to the new roadmapping strategy


12:00 - 1:00


1:00 - 2:00

Lyne and Sales Leaders

The Art of Being Audacious


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2:00 - 3:00

Mike Lipkin

Selling in High Altitudes


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3:00 - 3:30


3:30 - 5:00

Mike Lipkin

Selling in High Altitudes Continued

Vestibulum pellentesque nisl in ullamcorper porttitor. Sed sed porttitor orci. Mauris tempus sollicitudin ipsum iaculis tempus. Duis ornare facilisis lacinia.

Day 3: Thursday, January 30th





8:30 - 9:00


9:00 - 10:15

Vestibulum pellentesque nisl in ullamcorper porttitor. Sed sed porttitor orci. Mauris tempus sollicitudin ipsum iaculis tempus. Duis ornare facilisis lacinia.

Impress/ Account Planning ramp up

New hires in 2024

12:00 - 1:00



Food & Drinks

Meals will be served in D2L.

Coffee vouchers will not be available during the event. Coffee and tea will be on-site at D2L.

To reduce waste, cups will be available for water. Tap water is available in D2L or refill stations are available along the hallways within Catalyst and in the Miovision office.


Main sessions are held in D2L.

Breakout sessions are hosted in Platinum, Seagram, and Perimeter Boardrooms.


See the static maps below or use this interactive map.

Click for Interactive Map

Full Name

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How we can help you

Full Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

How we can help you

Full Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

How we can help you

Static Venue Maps: